Friday, April 13

I've been having a bad time with my project work. It's all about numerical methods and some dumb error keeps creeping in. Have no idea why.

In any case, Pigs (three different ones) is playing in the background, so my project isn't an issue right now. There's something very lovely about just listening to music. Not doing something and listening, just listening. Sadly, never have the time for that. Always something to do.

I haven't blogged in a while, and anyway whats been put up is more or less stuff no one is the least bit interested in. Oh well...

My friends have created a 'yo' scale. Apparently I score 0.04 Kanhe. 0 Kanhe is ultra-yo, and 1 Kanhe is non-yo. Kanhe is a the inventor of this scale. Or maybe they just named the unit after him. Whatever. Wonder how to increase my rating. I don't think working on my project is helping any. Sigh.

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